Sunday, November 1, 2009

Winter Quarters, Nauvoo and more....

I have been home from my trip two week now, so I figure it is about time that I blog about it. It was one of the best trips ever!!!!! I had a wonderful time! I visited family and friends, went to some of the most beautiful places that I have ever seen. Even had some pioneer moments along with getting pulled over and only getting a warning! That will be a post in its self. It all started off by flying into Omaha and visiting Winter Quarters visitor center. We even go to pull a hand cart!

We also visited some family at the cemetery. One being my sister May, she will always have a special place in my heart.
We then travel to Nauvoo, along the way we stop a Mt Pisgah, it was a place where the saints stopped for a period of time.

We had a great time in Nauvoo, it a beautiful place to see. Even though the weather was a little cold the scenery was amazing with all the leaves changing color. It gave you a sense of what it may have been like while the saints lived there.

I loved everything about Nauvoo, but one of the best parts was going into the different prophets homes, you could feel of their love and their spirit.

We were able to do a session at the Nauvoo Temple. It was beautiful. I could see why the temple was so important to those Saints at that time.
We then traveled to Carthage Jail.From the moment that you step foot of the the grounds, there is a very peaceful and humbling feeling there. I will never for get that feeling. After the tour we found out that our guide was the great great granddaughter of John Taylor. It was wonderful to hear of her feelings for that special place.

Then travel to Independence Missouri. Also the way Olivia felt that we needed to have pioneer moments. Let me explain what pioneer moments were. Us driving down the freeway at 70 miles per hour, with all 4 windows down and it being 35 degrees outside. Need I say more?! I was so cold and yet she was warm because she had her bonnet on, I personally think it was because she was wearing thermals!!!!

We then went to Liberty Jail. Liberty Jail has been reconstructed, but is a place where the Prophet Joseph Smith faced a great hardship. To give you a since of how cold it was they told us that after the jail was closed they used it as a place to store ice, because it would remain frozen until July.

We then went to Adam-Ondi-Ahman, what an amazing place. It is a humbling experience to think of what told place in this area as well as what will take place.

We ended the trip by going to the Winter Quarter temple. I will always have a special place in my heart for Winter Quarters and Nebraska, for they will always be home to me. We also spent some time with my grandma Corning. She is a beautiful and amazing women. I feel very blessed to be her granddaughter.

Until next time friends and family