Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Career Path- its long

Almost four years ago, I was in a very stressful, non healthy job situation. I started searching for a new job. I decided to start with searching on the provident living website as it was the same place I found my previous two jobs. I found one working for a FM Group in the chcurch. I had no idea at the time which department it was. I applied for the job and went for an interview. I then found out it was working for Physical Facilities Department of the church. The interview went well however the starting wage was low. I express my interest in the job but said that I had to make at least what I was currently making. I left kind of sad, because I really did not think it would be possible. A couple days later I receive a call saying that I had got the job and the paid graded that I needed. I was shocked!!! I started two week later working for the Mesa AZ FM Group as the Office Assistant. I loved my job and enjoyed what I was doing. It was a challenge and something that I had never done before. But a year into it I felt the need to go back to school. So I enrolled at University of Phoenix in their MBA program. So for the next year and half I worked full time and went to school online. It was a very hard year and half however I learned so much and not just educationally. Shortly before finishing my degree I realized that I enjoyed working for the church however I would be crazy to have my MBA and work as an Office Assistant. I had a talk with my Regional Manager and explained my situation and my interested of promoting with in. I didn't think it would happen anytime soon. I was required to take a Talent Plus test. Less then two weeks later I was promoted to the Gilbert AZ FM Group as their Assistant Facilities Manager. I have really enjoyed working at the Gilbert FM Group. I learned a great deal. I knew that in time I would be promoted as an FM, however I did not know when and where. Last month we had a meeting to realign some of the FM Groups. At that meeting my Regional manager then informed me in front on everyone else there. That the FM Manager in Tempe would be retiring by year end and he would like me to take his place. Also to start as soon as possible. That being said, my new title is Tempe AZ FM Group, Physical Facilities Manager. The past couple of weeks have been very overwhelming but a great learning experience. I know that this is where I need to be and at the right time. I had never thought I would be where I am right now. However, I also know that my life has been lead for this point in time. So, folks that is the big news!!! Wish me luck, because I am going to need a lot of it.


  1. Congrats on your new job and all that goes with it! You'll do great things as you have done in the past! We just heard from Tim's boss too, he has been given a permenant position at the lab where he works, so we will be live here for a long while. Congratulations! Wendy

  2. WOW KATIE!!! That is so great!! I always knew you were destined for great things!! I bet you would be a super boss to work for. Way to go!!

  3. I know this is late--but congrats on your new job! It's amazing how the Lord blesses you, huh? I'm so excited for you! Last year, after I had the baby, we were so worried about making ends meet without my salary. I stopped getting paid in May, and by September Rusty was promoted. He now makes what our salaries were combined. Crazy huh? Just keep on keepin on! You'll do great!

  4. Way to go, Katie! That is a great accomplishment, and I'm stoked for all the great experiences you're bound to have. Thanks for sharing the story, and congrats!

  5. OK.. so I know this comment is totally late, but I'm just now catching up on my blog reading. CONGRATS!! That is AWESOME!! I'm so excited for you! I hope all is going well and that you're loving it! :-)
