Monday, September 14, 2009

Walks in Oro Valley

Typically my family and I go for walks in the neighborhood. Its quiet and beautiful after a rain storm and any day for that matter. However sometimes when walking you have to watch out for the wildlife. Over Labor Day Weekend we ran into one of these

Which by the way is the one creature on this planet that I can not handle! SNAKES! Just looking at this pictures wigs me out. We also ran into on of these
Which is not as bad as the snake. The Crazy part is that the dog didn't notice either one of these animals. Who knows what Belle would have done. However in the long run since this is the scenery of the walks Ill deal with the wild life.
A view from my parents backyard

Tell next time friends, Cheerio!

1 comment:

  1. I can't begin to tell you how much I miss that view - well maybe not the livestock, but since we have those here, I wouldn't mind it too much to see those mts. again!
