Sunday, February 1, 2009

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Everyone does something which is relaxing for them. Read a book, run, sew, crafts, hike, biking, swimming, taking a nap to name a few. For me, my relaxation comes when I make cookies. There is just something about mixing the ingredients together, using that arm muscle and adding chocolate chips to taste that is soothing to me. Of course one has to test at least 2 cookies with a large glass of milk. Typically I give most of them away to friends and neighbors, I have to watch my girlish figure you know. If I don't say myself I can make a pretty mean cookie. Maybe its all the TLC that goes into them, probably all the Crisco!!! Making cookies is like taking all your frustration mixing it into a large mass then piece by piece making it into something beautiful and quite tasty. The best part is the end product that you can share with others. So here is to world peace, comfort food and sharing the happiness with others!


  1. Hear hear!! I completely agree. And we SERIOUSLY love the crisco sticks and ALL their great recipes. Have you tried their pb ones? I love to add crushed up peanuts and chocolate chips to mine...and then roll them in white sugar!! THEY are to DIE for!!! ;)

    You should also read this murder mystery series that has recipes in it. Look up Joanne Fluke...her characters name is Hannah Swenson.

  2. we get the recipe? Or is it a secret?
